Forrest Keeling Nursery announced their participation in Pollinator Week 2020, June 22-26. Pollinator Partnership ( hosts the annual event. The event helps spotlight the importance of supporting pollinators.
“Everyone loves butterflies and other pollinators. But they are also critical to our survival,” said Kimberley Lovelace-Young, FKN president. “Did you know that one of every three bites of food you eat depends on a pollinator? And, pollinators depend on native plants.”
Forrest Keeling cares about protecting our environment. Team members contribute to on-going conservation studies. For example, the relationship between native plants and healthy soil. Native plants also provide vital food and cover for pollinators. The Nursery grows more than 350 different native species. Each helps support pollinators with food and cover through the year.
“Last summer, we planted a pollinator plot in the median of our front parking lot.” continued Lovelace-Young. “We wanted to showcase landscape-worthy natives. But, we also wanted to create a concept that home and business owners could copy. Our plot is colorful and attractive to a wide variety of butterflies and birds.” The Nursery will highlight the planting on a Facebook live during Pollinator Week.
The Nursery also invites gardeners to submit photos of their native pollinator plots. Email to or bring them by the Garden Store. Have a budding artist? Children of any age can bring or send drawings of their favorite pollinator. The entries will be posted in the Garden Store and $25 gift certificate awarded to the people’s choice.
To learn more about Forrest Keeling Nursery, visit their website,
About Forrest Keeling Nursery: Innovator of the patented RPM-production method for stronger, healthier, faster-growing plants. A globally-recognized leader in native plant production and conservation. Forrest Keeling is located on Highway 79 south of Elsberry, Missouri.
Photo: Bruce Schuette