rows of young milkweed plants in a greenhouse

Grow Native! Professional Member Monarch Watch to Provide Free Milkweed Plants for Qualifying Restoration, School, and Non-profit Projects

December 21, 2023 | News

Grow Native! professional member Monarch Watch is providing three ways to obtain milkweed plants with its milkweed program. Just choose the milkweed program that fits your situation.

Free milkweeds for habitat restoration projects- Monarch Watch will once again be distributing free milkweeds for planting in large-scale habitat restoration projects for Spring 2024. Since this program began in 2015, 840,000 milkweeds have been planted in restored habitat throughout much of the monarch breeding range. To qualify, applicants must have a minimum of two acres to restore to natural, native habitat, and have a management plan in place. Milkweeds are awarded on a first come, first served basis, so apply early.

Those awarded free milkweeds need only pay shipping/handling, which is modest compared to the value of the plants. Please help us spread the word by sharing widely. For more information and to apply, please visit: Monarch Watch Free Milkweed for Restoration.

Free milkweeds for schools and educational non-profits- Butterfly gardens are a great educational tool! Schools and educational nonprofits may apply for a free flat of native milkweeds for a public garden. Single flats of 32 plants (58 for Texas) will be distributed to recipients in the spring. The application can be found here: Free Milkweeds for Schools and Non-profits.

Milkweed Market- Opening in January for preorders. Native milkweeds for gardens or habitat are available for purchase from our Milkweed Market.  The minimum purchase is one flat of 32 plants (58 for Texas). If your space is too small for 32 milkweeds, share with your neighbors! Not available in all areas. Monarch Watch Milkweed Market

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