Native Plant Crafting with Nadia Navarrete-Tindall

Native Plant Crafting with Nadia Navarrete-Tindall

There is something about this time of the year that brings out my creative side. One of my favorite hobbies is to gather materials from native plants to create natural crafts. At our home garden and at Lincoln University native plant gardens, we leave as much dry...
Rattlesnake Master: Not Just for the Pollinators

Rattlesnake Master: Not Just for the Pollinators

With its yucca-like appearance and curious common name, rattlesnake master (Erynigium yuccifolium) is bound to get the attention of native plant enthusiasts. In a native prairie or prairie planting, this easily identifiable plant gets plenty of pollinator attention,...
APA Virtual Luncheon on Land Trusts & Communities April 19

APA Virtual Luncheon on Land Trusts & Communities April 19

Members of the Missouri Land Trust Coalition, of which MPF serves on the Steering Committee, as well as the Marlborough Community Land Trust, will present on how communities can use land trusts for community planning. If you would like to attend, here is the link,...
Call for Award Nominations

Call for Award Nominations

The Missouri Prairie Foundation (MPF), its Grow Native! program, and the Missouri Invasive Plant Council (MoIP), which MPF administers, is now accepting nominations for its Missouri Prairie Foundation awards (prairie pioneer, prairie professional, prairie...
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