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Kansas City Native Plant Sale

September 14, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT

MPF will hold a native plant sale on Saturday, September 14, at the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64110, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Note: Due to current construction at the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, there will be limited parking on site. Overflow parking is available across Troost Avenue in the KCUR parking lot. Watch for directional signage. Take care to watch for pedestrians when approaching the area.

See detailed directions below.

Native plants beautify landscapes and help support songbirds and other cherished wildlife. Buy native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, trees, vines, sedges, and native seed from Grow Native! professional members:

City Roots Native Plant Nursery
Gaylena’s Garden
Missouri Wildflowers Nursery
Ozark Soul Native Plants
Sow Wild Natives

Shoppers can stroll through the sale and purchase plants from each vendor. Shoppers can also pre-order plants and have their orders ready for pick up at the event. The following vendors are accepting pre-orders for this sale. When placing your pre-orders, please include your phone number and note that the order is for the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center sale on September 14:

City Roots Native Plant Nursery
Website pre-orders will be accepted until Friday, September 13 at noon at www.cityrootsnursery.com/shop

Gaylena’s Garden
For pre-orders, email gaylenasgarden@gmail.com for a current plant availability lists and to place a pre-order by Thursday, September 12.

Missouri Wildflowers Nursery
Pre-order online at www.mowildflowers.net, email mowldflrs@socket.net, or phone 573-496-3492. Orders must be placed no later than midnight on Tuesday, September 10.

Ozark Soul Native Plants
Order via website (preferred) or phone by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11: https://preorder.ozarksoul.com; 816-809-4062. Please visit https://ozarksoul.com/availability for a current plant availability list.

Sow Wild Natives
To pre-order, email the species and quantities to tracy@sowwildnatives.com by Wednesday, September 11. View the plant list here: http://sowwildnatives.com/products

Some vendors accept cash, check, credit cards, or Venmo; some only cash or checks. Shoppers are encouraged to bring their own crates or boxes for bringing their purchased plants home. Volunteers will be available to load plants into vehicles for those needing assistance.

Vendors will donate 5% of their proceeds from this sale to benefit the Missouri Prairie Foundation.

Photo: James Trager

Detailed Directions:

Yellow: Vendors and volunteer parking (on south side of KCUR lot as indicated, to allow other parking spots for pubic and KCUR staff)
Red: Areas that are completely closed and inaccessible
Green: Pedestrian walkways
Orange: Construction barriers
Blue: Handicapped parking only
Purple: Pedestrian walkway across Troost—watch for traffic! Traffic may not stop.
Black Arrows: Traffic flow in parking lot
Gray Boxes: Plant sale location

Map of Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center location


September 14, 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT
Event Category:


Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center
4750 Troost Ave
Kansas City, MO 64110 United States
+ Google Map
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