Dr. James Trager will present “Deciphering Botanical Latin.” James is the son of academic linguists as well as the author of numerous biological species. In this presentation he will bring these experiences together with extensive knowledge of Midwestern flora to present an enthusiastic introduction to the Latin that botanists use to give unique names to plant species. Understanding scientific names of plants helps plant enthusiasts learn and remember them, as well as to communicate unambiguously with others about these beautiful and important living beings.
Dr. James Trager is the son of two academic linguists and has been fascinated since childhood by both language and nature. He has a Ph.D. in entomology from the University of Florida, where his specialty was the taxonomy of ants—and says his “bills were paid by fire ants.” Throughout his series of college degrees, he took nearly as many botany classes as zoology classes, and became enthralled with prairies when he visited a prairie remnant with a “local flora” class in northern Illinois in 1972, which he helped burn the following late winter.
The webinar, to be held via Zoom, will include a presentation and a question and answer session. The webinar will be recorded, and sent to all registrants as well as posted to our YouTube channel.
Cost: Free
If you are registering the day of the webinar, sign up through Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lt-F_ek-Qru9QeDFD88Stg. If you already registered but didn’t receive a link to the webinar, please check your spam folder in your email. Please call 636-303-7418 if you have any questions or need help.
For those who are part of the Grow Native! Professional Certification Program (GNPCP), this master class counts as one CEU. To register for the class, use the registration link above and see details about earning GNPCP CEUs here. If you have questions about registration, contact outreach@moprairie.org.
Photo of native bee (Anthophoridae) on Bidens aristosa by Dr. James Trager.