“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America
Whether you are a warm-weather person or embrace winter, you will be sure to spend an agreeable afternoon during this winter ecology hike with MPF Technical Advisor Jeff Cantrell. The prairie may appear to be sleeping, but signs of life are not hard to spot.
Meet at MPF’s Pleasant Run Creek Prairie in Vernon County for a crepuscular walk. If you wish, bring binoculars. Dress for the weather.
Registration is required for this free event. To register, email Jeff at Jeff.Cantrell@mdc.mo.gov. Limited to 12 participants.
For those who are part of the Grow Native! Professional Certification Program (GNPCP), this opportunity counts as 1 CEU.
Photo of frost on prairie grass over a mammal burrow by Bruce Schuette