Grow Native! Webinar: In Bloom: Successional Native Plantings for Continuous Blooms with Cydney Ross- REGISTRATION FULL


It is arguably every gardener's dream to have plants in bloom from spring through fall in their native gardens. Presenter Cydney Ross will share her knowledge and expertise on how to keep the native wildflower blooms popping through the growing season. Wednesday, January 31 at 4:00 p.m. This free, 30-minute presentation will be followed by […]

MPF Webinar: Native Grassland Birds: Population Trends and Conservation


The Missouri River Bird Observatory (MRBO) has been tracking populations of native grassland-obligate birds in Missouri since 2012. Study sites include Missouri Prairie Foundation lands and many public grasslands. In this webinar, MRBO’s co-founders Ethan Duke and Dana Ripper will discuss the need for bird population monitoring, how exactly it’s done, and MRBO’s decade of […]

Partners for Native Landscaping Spring Series – Events February 20 – April 28, 2024

The Grow Native! program is a Partners for Native Landscaping events partner. For a full list of events, visit the Partners for Native Landscaping website: PNL Spring Series ( Part 1: Webinar Series (February 20-March 20). Register for all webinars here. Tuesday, February 20, 7:00 p.m.- Keynote: Native Plants for Native Pollinators, Dr. Ed Spevak - […]

MPF Webinar: A Primer on Plant Morphology


Puzzled by petioles? Baffled by bracts? Stumped by stigmas? Plants are made up of intricate parts, and all these parts have names. Join Dr. Michelle Bowe as she helps you identify plant parts, recognize how they differ in shape, size, and texture from species to species, and learn the language of plant morphology. You will come away […]

MPF Webinar: How Plants Work: Plant Physiology in 50 Minutes


Plants convert sunlight into plant tissue, obtain nutrients from the soil, and perform a myriad of other ecological "tasks" upon which all life depends. Join Dr. Michelle Bowe as she breaks down the basics of plant physiology to help us all have a better understanding of the awe-inspiring world of plant growth and function. This webinar will […]

Grow Native! Webinar: Gardens of Excellence: Urban Native Landscape Design


Urban landscapes offer no shortage of unique opportunities for form and function in native plant garden design. Join Will Gibson and Christopher Carl, two landscape designers and Grow Native! professional members whose projects have been recognized in the Grow Native! Gardens of Excellence program, as they discuss the technical and aesthetic aspects behind these award-winning […]

Grow Native! Master Class: Landscaping with Vines


Native vines are often overlooked, yet can fit into any landscape situation: small vines for light posts and rambling over a boulder or retaining wall; large vines to grace trees and buildings; vines to grow as a groundcover; vines for hummingbirds or vines for bees; vines with showy flowers and vines that produce berries for […]

Grow Native! Master Class: Restoring Remnant Woodlands in a Sea of Bush Honeysuckle


Many natural woodlands and shady landscapes are infested with invasive bush honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), one of the biggest current threats to native woodland ecosystems. When mature, these highly aggressive invasive shrubs compete with native plants for sunlight, nutrients, and moisture, and can choke them out. In this online master class with Scott Woodbury, you will learn […]

MPF Webinar: Take a (Virtual) Hike on the Prairie – Spring Edition


What can you see, hear, and experience on a Missouri tallgrass prairie in spring? Join MPF Vice President of Science and Management Bruce Schuette as he leads a virtual tour of one of MPF's prairies in Pettis County. We’ll learn about life on the prairie in spring, including what flora and fauna you can observe. […]

MPF Webinar: EDDMapS: An Invasives Species Mapping System for Everyone


Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to map the presence of invasive plants throughout the country? Fortunately, there is! EDDMapS is a web-based mapping system for documenting invasive species and pest distribution. It is fast, easy to use, and doesn't require Geographic Information Systems experience. Launched in 2005 by the Center for Invasive Species […]

MPF Webinar: Documenting Multiple Types of Pollinators Through Photography


Currently, most pollinator surveys focus on a small group of pollinating insects such as butterflies or bees at the exclusion of wasps, beetles, flies, moths, true bugs, ants, and other insects that move pollen. Webinar presenter Angella Moorehouse will share the results of her study, which was established to look at the entire group of flower-visiting insects […]

MPF Webinar: Native Bees of Missouri’s Ozark Woodlands and Glades


Ken McCarty will share insight into the native bee inhabitants of high quality natural communities, including designated Missouri Natural Areas and long-preserved native Ozark ecosystems, documented from his ongoing surveys at several large Missouri State Parks. His survey objective remains to provide a contemporary record of the bee species inhabiting long-enduring park nature preserves, one […]

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