Seed collected from MPF’s Stilwell Prairie. Photo: Scott Lenharth

Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Distinguishing Characteristics

Very hairy stem. Long, narrow, hairy leaves. Leaf margin lacking teeth. Sap not milky like other milkweeds.


Up to 3 feet tall


May to September


Flowers are displayed in terminal umbels. Many shades of orange to brick red, occasionally yellow. Long seedpods are as much as 41/2 inches long with tightly packed seeds in spirals and silky floss.


Found throughout Missouri in upland habitats, open savannas, and sandy sites in tallgrass region. Occasionally used in seeding mixes, may take several years to bloom. Withstands overgrazing and is an excellent nectar source for insects, while the leaves are a food source for the monarch caterpillar.

small tan seeds next to ruler showing size.

Seeds (scale is in 1/16 inch increments)

small green seedling


Sall green plant with opp leaves


Sall green plant with opp leaves

Distinguishing Characteristics

Sall green plant with opp leaves


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