Seed collected from MPF’s Stilwell Prairie. Photo: Scott Lenharth

Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)

Distinguishing Characteristics

Milky sap in stem and leaves. Basal leaves with short stalks and with minute teeth along the margin. Lower surface often purplish.


Up to 5 feet, but usually shorter


July to October


Stalks are, at first, unbranched, but later have many side branches. Flower color is cardinal-red, rarely vermillion and very rarely white.


Short-lived perennial found in moist habitats. (Mostly in southern tallgrass
region. Rare in northern region.) Because seed is expensive, it is rarely used in seeding mixes and never in large quantities. Occasionally reseeds in wetland and riparian habitats. Good nectar source for hummingbirds. 

small tan seeds next to ruler showing size.

Seeds (scale is in 1/16 inch increments)

small green seedling


Sall green plant with opp leaves


Sall green plant with opp leaves

Distinguishing Characteristics

Sall green plant with opp leaves


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