Seed collected from MPF’s Stilwell Prairie. Photo: Scott Lenharth

Foxglove Beard Tongue (Penstemon digitalis)

Distinguishing Characteristics

Basal leaves on long stalks. Leaf margin mostly smooth to slightly toothed. Lower surface occasionally a faint purple. 


Up to 4 feet, but usually shorter


May to July


This is the tallest of four white-flowered. Penstemon species in Missouri. Of the five stamens, one is modified into a hairy “tongue” and positioned centrally, likely to attract insects for pollination.


Common throughout tallgrass prairie region, it is found in habitats that range from fallow fields to native prairies to woodland edges. Grows in moist to dry soil conditions. Easy to establish from seed, it often colonizes areas being restored.

small tan seeds next to ruler showing size.

Seeds (scale is in 1/16 inch increments)

small green seedling


Sall green plant with opp leaves


Sall green plant with opp leaves

Distinguishing Characteristics

Sall green plant with opp leaves


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