Seed collected from MPF’s Stilwell Prairie. Photo: Scott Lenharth

Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)

A multi-stem shrub that dies to the ground occasionally. Flowers are tiny and massed in tight spikes


to 4 feet



Distinguishing Characteristics

Basal leaves in a whorl; smooth, narrow, with a long stalk; margin smooth or with small teeth.


Found in prairies, glades and savannas throughout the Ozarks and prairie regions of Missouri. Obedient plant blooms in late spring and is occasionally used in seeding mixes, but is easy to establish from seed. It blooms the second year after seeding. Another species of obedient plant, false dragonhead, is also found on Missouri glades and blooms in late summer.

small tan seeds next to ruler showing size.

Seeds (scale is in 1/16 inch increments)

small green seedling


Sall green plant with opp leaves


Sall green plant with opp leaves

Distinguishing Characteristics

Sall green plant with opp leaves


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