Seed collected from MPF’s Stilwell Prairie. Photo: Scott Lenharth

Round-Headed Bushclover (Lespedeza capitata)

Distinguishing Characteristics

Leaves and stem covered with fine, silvery hairs and leaves divided into 3 narrow leaflets.


to 5 feet


July to October


A slender legume, its flowers occur in dense, rounded heads up to 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Each flower has an upper petal, two side petals and a lower lip. The flowers are creamy white with a reddish to purplish spot at the base


This species is found on prairies and savannas and is commonly used in native wildflower seed mixes. It often flowers in unmanaged warm-season grass fields and is easy to establish from seed. In winter, seed heads are chocolate brown and standout against the light tan color of warm-season grasses. Good food source for wildlife and forage for livestock.

small tan seeds next to ruler showing size.

Seeds (scale is in 1/16 inch increments)

small green seedling


Sall green plant with opp leaves


Sall green plant with opp leaves

Distinguishing Characteristics

Sall green plant with opp leaves


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