by Outreach | October 8, 2020 | News
Carol Davit, Executive Director of the Missouri Prairie Foundation, joins Jean Ponzi on the latest Earthworms podcast to talk about the 20th anniversary of MPF’s Grow Native! program. “A 1999 vision seeded by two Missouri women sprouted, the next year, as...
by Carol Davit | July 17, 2020 | Blog
By Carol Davit, Missouri Prairie Foundation Executive Director Photo: Linda Williams The foundation for insect and other animal life is plants. Not just any plants, but plants native to a given location, where insects in that same geography evolved with those same...
by Carol Davit | July 17, 2020 | Blog
By Carol Davit, Missouri Prairie Foundation Executive Director Photo: Squash bee in a pumpkin blossom by Ed Spevak Did you know native companion plants facilitate pollination of fruits and vegetables? If you are a fruit or vegetable gardener, you likely devote time to...